Additional Sources for Assistance


Home Repairs


Community Action Partnership: Serves Butler, Darke, Greene, Preble, Montgomery & Warren Counties.  For Home Repairs, please contact Barry Strayhorn or Tamara Black, 937-341-5000 ext. 222. 


County Corp: Serves Montgomery County Only. They require ALL homeowners to have insurance, reside in the homes at least 1 year, and be current on their mortgage and home taxes or have a delinquent tax agreement they are abiding by. For home repairs and access modifications, please call 937-225-6328 for either Kim Parker 531-7050, Jennifer Barbros 531-7028 or Courtney Schneider 531-7046. For Housing Counseling, please contact Joanna Trent 531-7075


Habitat For Humanity of Greater Dayton: Serves Montgomery & Greene Counties. For repair program for accessibility (ex. bathroom modifications, ramps, step repair) they are currently accepting for the waitlist, contact for current information on this program. For affordable housing opportunities, please call 937-586-0860. For ReStore operation/donations please call 937-222-2296.


People Working Cooperatively: Serves Greene, Montgomery, Preble, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, Middletown & Warren Counties. They can provide assistance with home repairs, mobility modifications & weatherization. Please contact their client services department, 1-800-392-7921



Legal Housing Support


Access Center for Independent Living: Serves Montgomery, Miami, Greene, Clark & Preble counties. Call 937-341-5202 or TTY 937-341-5218. They provide support for individuals with disabilities who are experiencing discrimination in accessibility, housing, and, employment. Contact Greg Kramer, Assistant Director, ext. 1003. 


Legal Aid of Western Ohio and ABLE (Advocates for Basic Legal Equality): and Serves Montgomery and surrounding counties. Provides civil legal services for low-income and older Ohioans. Contact Legal Aid 937-894-4599 or ABLE 1-800-837-0814


Miami Valley Fair Housing: Serves Montgomery, Greene, Preble, Warren, Clark, Darke & Miami counties. Provides professional counseling and guidance to individuals who encounter discrimination or need reasonable accommodations in their search for housing. Contact Elizabeth Redmon or Miranda Wilson at 937-223-6035.


Other Resources

Area Agency on Aging: Serves Montgomery, Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Preble & Shelby counties. They offer home services thru Waiver and Comcare programs for individuals 60 and over. Call 937-223-4357 or 1-800-258-7277.


Senior Resource Connection: Serves Montgomery, Greene, Darke, Logan, Shelby & Champaign counties. Services include home care, payee services, lifelines, social services, seniors' best friend (pet food), and meals on wheels. Call 937-223-8246 (Main Number) or 937-228-3663 (Meals on Wheels).



Home Repairs in other Counties


Bridges, Community Action Partnership: Serves Champaign, Delaware, Logan, Madison, Shelby and Union Counties. Elderly Home Repair Program (Over 60 years old) and Home Weatherization Program (including access/modification including ramps, roofs and refrigeration). Contact 800-858-4452 or 937-642-4986.


Butler County: Including Self, Community Action Agency and Neighbors Who Care program. Contact John Post at 513-868-9300, ext. 209. 


Clark County Land Reutilization Corp: Serves Clark County. Rehabs in South Springfield for 20% of the appraised price and 3 year residency. Contact Ethan Harris, Assistant Executive Director or 937-521-2181.


Clinton County CHIP Program: Serves Clinton County. Offers CHIP grants up to $15,000 and housing rehabs up to $46,000 in a five-year forgivable loan with 100% forgiven after five years. Contact Emma Hall (Case Processor) 937-383-6949.


Drake County Commissioner's Office: Serves Darke County. Offers CHIP grants up to $13,500 as a 100% grant and home rehabilitation loan up to $42,000 with a 5-year residency with 25% repayment upon the death of the recipient, sale, or rental of the property. Contact Nikki Reese (Consultant) 937-547-7368.


Greene County/Christmas in Action: Serves the City of Fairborn. Repairs the homes of low-income/disabled homeowners in the City of Fairborn. The program requires proof of income, owner's name on auditor's website, current on taxes, and proof of homeowner insurance. Previous repairs include exterior painting, ramps, roof repairs, and landscaping. Please contact Ellen Slone (Executive Director of Fairborn Senior Citizens Association) 937-878-4141 Ext. 212. 


Greene County- Department of Development: Serves Greene County. CHIP (Community Housing Improvement Program) includes home repairs up to $15,000 which are 100% forgivable after 2 years. As well as Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation up to $46,000 for a 5-year forgivable loan with 75% forgiven and 25% repayment after a 5-year residency. Contact Kristie Tidd (Department Manager) 937-562-5644


Greene County/City of Fairborn: Contact Cherise Shell or Missy Frost at 937-754-3013.


Miami County-Economic Development: Serves Miami County. Offers CHIP grants and loans. 100% funded grant up to $13,500 for home repairs and home rehab up to $42,500 for a 5-year, 100% forgivable loan. For Miami County, contact Tim Glisson (CHIP Administrator) at 937-440-8121. For the City of Piqua, contact Janel Ranly at 937-778-2062


Neighborhood Housing Partnership: Serves Clark County. Emergency home repairs grants up to $7,500 (AMI below 50%) and 100% payback loans up to $7,500. Contact Amy Miller (Senior Housing Counselor) 937-322-4623


Preble County-Community Development:

Serves Preble County. Contact 937-456-4125 or 937-680-8199

Home Is The Foundation (H.I.T. Foundation) serves homeowners in Preble County. Visit or 937-472-0500.


Warren County- Grants Department:  Serves Warren County. A 100% deferred loan for home repairs, no interest or payments until the death of the owner or sale of the property. A lean is on the property until the loan is paid back. Contact Vicky Perry (Tuesday – Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) at 513-695-1259.


USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) : The USDA makes the decision based on income whether an individual qualifies for a grant up to $7,500 (age 62 and older) or loan up to $20,000 (any age) and both require income under 50% AMI. Grants are to remove “health and safety issues” (ie leaking roofs, broken windows, and permanent ramps). Loans are at a 1% fixed interest rate and repaid over 20 years. These would include windows, siding, flooring, roofs, etc. for home repair grants/ loans. For those residing in Darke, Clinton, and Preble counties, portions of Miami, Clark, Greene, Butler, Warren, and Clinton. As well as western Montgomery County, excluding Dayton and its immediate surrounding communities including Trotwood, Englewood, and Miamisburg d/t MSE. Please contact Lori McCoy (Loan Specialist ) please call 937-393-1921, ext. 125. For Hancock County, Ohio: includes Findlay. Please contact Toni Hemminger, please call 419- 581-4488 ext. 4517. 



Veterans Services (For each County):


Butler County: $1,000 in repairs for honorably discharged veterans who performed one day of active duty or disabled veterans (10% or more).Please call Financial Assistance to schedule an appointment at 513-887-3600


Clark County: Financial assistance available for those veterans who have a general discharge. Please schedule an appointment at 937-521-2030


Clinton County: Financial assistance available for those veterans who have a general discharge. Call 937-382-3233 to schedule an appt. for assistance. 


Darke County: Emergency Financial Assistance available. Contact KrisAnn Franck at 937-548-5305.


Greene County: 937-562-6020


Miami County: Veteran’s home repairs for honorably discharged or under honorable discharge qualifications. Please contact  Selena Loyd (Director) or Anthony Weber (Support Assistance Officer) at 937-440-8126


Montgomery County: Please contact Jesse Johnson at 937-225-4801.  


Preble County:  Financial or home repair assistance. Please call 937-456-6111.


Warren County: Emergent home repairs or financial assistance. Please contact Everett or Justine at 513-695-2717, option 2.